Electric Vehicle Chargers – RECIPS Electrical


Electric Vehicle Chargers

With Electric Vehicles being dubbed “the road to the future” by The Sydney Morning Herald last month, organisations such as Coles have sought out our experienced staff to install Electric Vehicle Chargers.

According to Jaguar, two thirds of Australians will be driving electric cars within the next 10 years. And they’re not the only ones convinced of this, brands such as Hyundai, Nissan, Audi and others are expecting a multitude of new electric cars in Australia in the next 12 months.

If the car industry is confident there will be a rapid uptake of electric vehicles, now is the time for business and property owners to prepare!

If you’re not quite ready to join the trend and install the systems now however, we advise you to consider the growing demand for chargers when planning works so they can be easily fitted at a later date.

Speak to us and we’ll help you be ready for the ‘Future of Electric.’

